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Create a bar chart

  • Click the left icon that looks like a graph from the right hexagon of the blue hexagon icon of the CSV data you created.

CSV Create chart

  • Select the chart type you want to create and click Next Step. Here, we select Bar Chart (White version).

Create a bar chart

  • If you check 'Download data from SITE', people can download the data later.
  • Select whether to expose the legend of the chart.
  • You can adjust the starting point and the total number of characters displayed in the row.
  • Select a chart color combination from the chart color scheme.
  • After selecting column data and row data, click Next step.
  • If necessary, you can arrange the data in ascending or descending order or set a threshold. Set the data to set the threshold and the threshold name, value, and color.
  • Preview the chart to be displayed in the upper right corner.
  • After checking the chart, enter a chart name and press SAVE to create chart data, and you can see that there is one more hexagon next to it. Create bar chart hexagon